Community-driven DeFi protocol.
A truly decentralized protocol
earning investors passive income


Planets in the solar system are divided


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Of all the planets Uranus and Neptune are called the ice gaints.


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Trusted by 2000+ people

What is Galaxy Nodes?

Pioneering the DeFi as a Service space

VaporNodes is a digital node protocol that gives you access to DeFi projects across multiple chains. The goal of VaporNodes is to make DeFi accessible to anyone and everyone – decentralized finance as a service. VaporNodes is one of the first DaaS companies to utilize the Avalanche network because of low fees and fast transaction times. The transparency and community of VaporNodes is what sets us apart from other companies in this space. Join our discord to become part of the community!

DaaS node minimum: 1,000 $VPND Rate of Return: 1% daily ROI Track us: CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko Symbol: $VPND

How to Join

Pioneering the DeFi as a Service space


Available on Trader Joe

See Explained

Create Your Node

1,000 $VPND minimum, no maximum

See Explained

Earn daily Rewards

1% daily ROI

See Explained

Compound Rewards

add more weight on governance votes

See Explained

Ours System

VaporNodes main goal is to create sustainable and fully transparent passive income. We create sustainability by investing in low, medium, and high-risk DeFi protocols. Being able to invest in different risks allow for potential higher earnings and still generating our goal of a sustainable 1% daily ROI. Once the community decides on which protocols to invest in a governance vote on snapshot occurs. Voting power is determined by the cumulative size of your node(s). Treasury yields from the different protocols are then used to buy back VPND to support the price.

How It Works?

Simple and easy way to start your investment in cryptocurrency

Create a Digital Node

When you create a digital node, a portion of your tokens will be used to build the VaporNodes treasury.

Governance Votes

All governance votes are completed with snapshot and stored on the snapshot blockchain.

Community Enagement

Community engagement and governance voting determine where the treasury funds will be allocated.

Learn About VapourFI

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Why VapourFI